
How to create QR code in SSRS report in D365 F&O

How to create QR code in SSRS report in D365 F&O

Even in the era of electronic reporting and PowerBI reporting, SSRS still plays a crucial role in D365 Finance & Operations ERP. SSRS report delivers most reports in ERP in a predefined format, which is beneficial for providing any legal document. For instance, a Legal invoice document containing a QR code has mandatory information specified by the government.

This article will explain how you can create QR codes in DP class and populate the same in the design part of the SSRS report.

Time needed: 30 minutes.

Create QR code

  1. 1. Create a new field in tmp table of the SSRS report

    Field type: Extends
    Extends: Bitmap

  2. 2. Create the below static function in the new QRHelper class

  3. 3. Call above created function in DP class

    Provide formatted string for which QR code needs to be created and
    populate the tmp.QRCode =QRHelper::QRCode(_FormattedString)

  4. 4. Insert Image in RDLC design part of SSRS


  5. 5. Build the project and deploy the report

    The report is now generated with a QR code.

I hope this article helped you learn how to create QR codes in the SSRS report in D365 Finance & operations AX. Don’t forget to share this article. You may also want to see our article on How to use POSTMAN to access D365FO Odata endpoint. You can follow us on facebook for more tips and tricks.

Author: Pawan Deep SinghI am a D365 Finance & Operations Technical Consultant. I have dedicated this blog to write about all D365FO , ax2012 x++ related tips and tricks I came across in my career. For any query feel free to contact me via the contact section.


Comments: 1

  1. Đặng Lê Huy says:

    thanks for share.
    Noted for QR code library
    Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationSuite.QRCode.Encoder qrCodeEncoder = new Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationSuite.QRCode.Encoder();

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